Ever wondered about something that keeps the interior walls smooth and provides them with strength? Drywall is the answer to that. Drywall proves strong, inexpensive, and easy to set up for walls and ceilings. Whether you’re building a whole house or just remodeling, drywall is the primary internal backbone of areas inside a place. But what is it made of and what are the different types? Let’s dive into drywall to find out its content, benefits, and residential or commercial applications.
What is Drywall?
Drywall, also called gypsum board or plasterboard, is a highly versatile building material that can easily be constructed into walls and ceilings. It comprises raw gypsum as its core material and is sandwiched with paper sheets on both sides. The said walls are considered easy to install, durable, and great at making smooth, finished surfaces in residential or commercial buildings.
Composition of Drywall
- Gypsum Core: It is the primary component of drywall that offers good strength, stability, durability and fire resistance properties.
- Paper Facing: Two layers of paper in the front and back are provided that give protection and structural support.
- Additives:
- Fibreglass offers moisture and fire resistance.
- Anti-microbial materials to prevent mold growth.
- Additional gypsum or fibre glass for soundproofing.
Types of Drywall
Standard Drywall

The standard drywall is the most commonly used type for general-purpose wall or ceiling applications. There are various thicknesses and general walls that do not encounter considerable moisture or fire risk.
Moisture-Resistant Drywall
As the name suggests, this drywall acts as a waterproof barrier, without allowing water ingress. This type of drywall is generally used in areas of high humidity, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. It is usually made with a moisture-resistant core. Its exterior is often finished with green-colored paper or fiberglass matting.
Fire-Resistant Drywall
Fire-resistant drywall serves as an extra fire-retarding layer. In such applications, it is used more in conformity with building codes requiring fire-rated materials, e.g, any wall or ceiling between garages and living spaces, or commercial buildings. The core of this wallboard includes additives that interfere with fire spread.
Soundproof Drywall
Soundproof drywall-acoustic drywall or sound-deadening drywall-limit sound transmission between rooms or spaces. They’re generally denser and thicker than normal drywall, as they are coated with an extra layer of soundproofing materials such as gypsum or fiberglass, that diminishes sound. It is best suited in areas with high desires for noise control such as home theaters, offices, or music studios.
Mold-Resistant Drywall
Mold-resistant drywall is treated with anti-microbial agents to prevent mold and mildew growth. This type of drywall is highly suitable for areas with high humidity or frequent water leaks, like basements or bathrooms. It usually contains a moisture-resistant core, with paper converting, treated to prevent mold growth.
Different Size of drywall
4 x 8-Foot Drywall
This is the most common and standard-sized drywall, which is known for its versatile applications, for both vertical and horizontal installation. It is thin and easy to handle, and is ideal for small rooms and DIY projects.
4 x 10-Foot Drywall
These are slightly larger sizes, and cover large areas of walls and ceilings. It requires fewer joints, providing a smoother surface making them suitable for tall and larger surfaces.
4 x 12-Foot Drywall
It is the longest drywall variant available that is used for large rooms, commercial spaces, or tall ceilings. The larger surface covers a wider area, thereby providing a smoother finish and reducing the installation time.
Advantages of Drywall
- Drywall is comparatively less expensive than other wall materials like plastering or brick construction, hence being a cost-friendly option.
- It is easy to cut fit, resulting in fast installations.
- Drywall can last many years without any major repairs or major replacements, provided it is installed and maintained timely.
- Drywalls remain versatile mediums that have applications for walls, ceilings, partitions, and decorative features.
- Fire-rated drywall decreases the risk of fire damage to the structural elements of the building.
- Drywall that is moisture —and mold-resistant minimizes the risk of mold and mildew, making it the best option for high-humidity applications.
Applications of Drywall
- Drywall is primarily used for creating smooth interior walls and ceilings.
- It is often used to create temporary or permanent partition walls for offices, commercial buildings or warehouses.
- The soundproof variant can be used for spaces where noise control is crucial, such as home theaters, recording studios, hospitals and more.
- It can be used for decorative applications, through crown molding or textures.
- It can also be used for renovation projects, making it easy to modify and install quickly.
Installation Process of Drywall
Measure and Cut the Drywall
Measure the size of the wall and divide it by 32, if a 4×8 sheet is used; or divide the wall dimension by 48 in case of a 2×12 sheet. It is necessary to keep in mind that the drywall should have a minimum seams for a smooth finish.
The cutting can be done considering the light fixtures, outlets, and for other utility installations. Ensure that the cut should be ¼ inch of space between the wall and the panel, and should be smoothened out.
Position the first dry wall panel horizontally against the studs in the topmost corner and tap a few nails into the sheet and studs.
Securing With Screws
Place the drywall sheet on the surface (ceiling or wall framing) and drive screws in the middle of the panel for drywall. Continue screweing the studs from the centermost stud and moving to the outside edges, to secure them in place.
Half-inch gap should be left between the floor and the bottom row of the sheets, to avoid bumping up against the floor, while experiencing weather fluctuations
Consider Windows and Doors
Before cutting, the markings and measurements should be made for windows, doors, electric boxes or any form of utilities. Cut the panel gaps precisely to perfectly fit the wall or floor.
After installing the drywall panels, cut away the excess drywall in the first sheet on the topmost corner, and smooth over any rough edges with a drywall rasp. Leave a ⅛-inches gap between the panels to prevent cracks.
To sum up, drywall is a material that is very versatile, strong, and economical. Such a range of construction uses are listed under this material. With all the varieties of special types in drywall, it is easily adaptable to any kind of construction from residential to commercial ones, addressing moisture, fire, and soundproofing concerns.