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What is the difference between cement and cement screed?

First, it’s important to note that cement and cement screed are not the same. They serve different purposes in construction. So, we need to differentiate between them. In this article, you’ll come to understand what cement and cement screed are and how they differ.

What is Cement?

Cement is a key building material. It acts as a ‘binding material’ used to bind other materials in concrete or mortar. Typically, it’s mixed with water, sand, gravel, and sometimes chemicals to enhance strength.

How is Cement Made?

Cement is produced through the process of heating limestone and clay in a kiln. Next comes the process in which we convert the cement clinker into powder form. Wetting the mixture with water causes a chemical reaction whereby the concrete transforms into a solid, rocky substance.

Where is Cement Used?

The uses of cement include a broad category of building and construction works such as:

• Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, gravel or crushed stone, and water. Common applications include foundations, walls, roads, bridges, and other structural elements.

• Making Mortar: Mortar is made of cement combined with sand and water. It acts as a bonding agent that holds bricks or stones together when walling.

Types of Cement

There are many different varieties of cement, but the most common is Portland cement. Most concrete and mortar mixes use this type. Other varieties include rapid-setting cement and low-heat cement, which are used for particular projects in which quick-drying cement or controlled temperature is needed.

What is Cement Screed?

A cement screed, or screed, is a layer applied to a concrete base. It levels the floor and prepares it for coverings like tiles, wood, or carpet.

How is Cement Screed Made?

Cement screed consists of cement combined with sand and a small proportion of water. It is far a lot easier to mix compared to concrete, as it does not involve gravel or any stones. The sand used for the screed is usually very fine so that the screed comes out with a smooth surface.

Where is Cement Screed Used?

Cement screed is mainly used indoors for the following purposes:

• For the flooring: This is laid on top of the concrete floor. It provides a smooth floor that is even. Once the screed has been laid, then any other form of flooring material can be added like tiles, vinyl, or carpet.

• Underfloor Heating: In some building sites, the pipes used for heating may be integrated beneath the floor. To accommodate this, a cement screed should be laid over the pipework to provide a levelled floor surface for easy operation and comfort in the redistribution of heat.

Differences between Cement and Cement Screed

While the words ‘cement’ and ‘cement screed’ sound alike, they refer to different construction materials. Let’s look at the main differences between them.

AspectCementCement Screed
DefinitionA binding material used to make concrete and mortarA smooth layer applied over concrete for leveling floors
CompositionCement, sand, gravel, water (in concrete)Cement, fine sand, and a small amount of water
UsesBuilding foundations, walls, bridges, roadsLevelling floors, preparing for final floor finishes
StrengthHigh strength, used for structural purposesLess strength, used for smooth surface finishing
TextureRough when used in concrete, as it includes gravelSmooth because it is made of fine sand and no gravel
ThicknessConcrete is thick and strong enough to support weightScreed is usually thin, only a few centimeters thick
ApplicationUsed in major construction works like walls and buildingsMostly used indoors on floors for leveling
Main PurposeActs as a binder to hold materials togetherCreates a smooth, level surface for flooring
StrengthStrong and durable, used for load-bearing structuresLess strong, used for surface finishing only
ThicknessCan be thick and robustUsually thin, only a few centimeters
Usage AreasFoundations, walls, roadsIndoor floors, underfloor heating systems

Why do we Use Cement Screed?

Screed is used because concrete on its own is not smooth enough for flooring. Concrete is very good and ideal at the base of a building, but it is rough and not even. To have a floor suitable for laying tiles or other materials, we need a flat, smooth surface, and that’s where screed comes in.

Advantages of Using Cement Screed

1. Smooth Surface: The screed provides a smooth and even surface, which becomes rather significant in the case of installing flooring, such as tiles or wood.

2. Finishing: It provides a professional, neat finishing to the floor and makes the room look polished and well-structured.

3. Support: Screed provides support to floor materials for longer life and better performance.

4. Underfloor Heating: Cement screed is used with underfloor heating systems, allowing the heat to be evenly distributed throughout the room.

Why is Cement Important?

In construction, cement is indispensable because it works like glue, holding things together. If there had not been cement in human life, people wouldn’t have been able to build and construct strong and tall bridges, roads, or houses in a constructive way.

Benefits of Cement

1. Strong Foundation: The main ingredient of concrete is cement, and concrete is used to build the ground or foundation of the house or any other infrastructure. This needs to be strong enough to hold the entire building.

2. Versatile: Cement can be used in concrete, mortar, and screed, among others.

3. Durable: When mixed properly, cement produces durable materials that can last long, standing in harsh conditions of weather.

How to Lay a Cement Screed

Cement-screeding is a very sensitive process that requires skill to make sure the floor is at the same level. It requires a skilled person to ensure that the floor is perfectly level.

Application steps of Cement Screed:

  • Preparing the Surface: The Screed is laid on clean concrete, free of dust and debris.
  • Lay the Screed: Mix cement and fine sand in the right mix, adding only enough water to create a smooth, firm mixture.
  • Apply the Screed: Permit the screed to spread evenly onto the floor and be level and even.
  • Level the Surface: Use a tool called a float to level the screed and make sure there are no bumps or dips.


In short, the two most prominent and vital materials in construction are cement and cement screed. However, they do have some differences in their functions. Cement is used to make structures, like walls and bridges, strong and durable. Cement screed is used to level and smooth floors for flooring. Knowing the difference helps you appreciate how these materials make buildings safe, strong, and comfortable.


1. What is cement screed used for?

A cement screed is a layer of cement applied on a floor that makes the surface smooth and level. The process is mainly done on concrete to further finish a floor for tile, wood, or carpet.

2. Is it possible to use cement without screed?

Yes, cement can be used to make concrete for building structures. However, screed is necessary for achieving smooth floors.

3.  Why is cement important in construction?

Cement is also essential as it acts as a binder, holding materials together to form strong and durable structures such as buildings, roads, and bridges.