Interiors decor

Essential Things that "Make" your Home

Apr 25 2022



The proud owner of a new swanky home has signed on the dotted line, and he/she is sharing the feeling of calling a place their home. But with almost every renovation done, why does it still feel like something is amiss? This is because the main renovations have been done in the washroom and kitchen area. But it is still not decked out with the essential things that everyone needs. For example, security cameras, safes, flashlights, toolkits, etc. These things look miniscule and are not of use on an everyday basis. However, you should have a safety net in place in case of an emergency.

“Uh Oh!! I know zilch about these things which are needed at home. " If those thoughts are running through your mind, don't worry, we have got you covered up. This article will help you jot down the essential things that are needed and which will make your abode a proper "home". Well, isn’t that what everyone would love to have? A relaxing place where you can live, breathe, and laugh a little more. Hop on, while we introduce you to each necessary item.




Anyone who is changing their temporary address into a permanent one can vouch for the plethora of belongings that have to be transferred. To accommodate that, you have to add a lot of cabinets in the house, which can house all your belongings. If you have a low budget, then buying a cupboard is a good option. But, if you want to go all out and renovate the house to your liking, then install cabinets in every room. There is a list of rooms that should house different types of cabinets. A kitchen can have storage cabinets that can store utensils, and it can be designed in an intelligent way to store a lot of edible items. If you have appliances or are planning to get one, you can architect the kitchen in such a way that it can accommodate a dishwasher, washing machine, and oven. Also, kitchen appliances like food processors or stoves can be fixed to the wall and kitchen platform in such a manner that they will take minimum space. The room which comes under due importance while installing cabinets is the washroom/powder room. This will store all the necessary toiletries as well as cleaning equipment.


Safety Lock


The next product on the list is a no-brainer as you need a lock, but it evades everyone's minds (I am also guilty of this situation). Everyone has secured valuables in their life, and they are primarily safeguarded for unhappy times. But what if, during one of your outings, there is a burglary? In that scenario, you would end up with nothing. But a simple purchase of a safety lock dangling on your main door can ward off intruders. Also, it is unwise to keep your main door open. So a safety lock will resolve both these predicaments and give a sense of security.


Security Camera


Imagine living independently in an apartment and enjoying the positive vibes of a new home. But, at that exact point, an unwanted intruder, having bad intentions, arrives and would like to gain entry into your home through unlawful means. Or, have robbers decided to ransack your home for valuables? In both cases, you can't cry foul or pinpoint the person behind the unlawful activities. But a security camera acts as an example, the owner can hold the intruder responsible in the second case. In the first one, the owner can ask for help from neighbors. Therefore, the camera can be used for recording or threatening.




Everyone likes to have their privacy as well as maintain ventilation in the room. To counter both these problems, the inclusion of drapes could be an effective plan. But to decorate the house with cotton drapes, you have to modify your windows. A quick visit by an affordable carpenter to your home will help to modernize the window holes with aluminum rods. Adjust the drapes to your liking and go all out with the color. It will take the bling of your home up a notch. In addition to that, the drapes will build a sense of home for their occupants.




You can not make a home with bare walls and cabinets alone. Everyone needs furniture to give their humble abode a classy look. The furniture gives your home extra space and, overall, gives life to the home. Now, the first thing is to select every piece of furniture as per the tastes of family members, which means cutting your job in half. Every member should be allotted a budget and let them use their imagination and research skills to decorate their private space. In the kids' room, you can totally expect a bunker system-style bed with stickers of Barbie in the girls' section and stickers of anime in the boys' section. Also, the paintings on their wall cabinets will exude their preference for cartoons. Another of the most important sections of your apartment is the master bedroom. This room is the biggest room in the apartment, as well as the one that should be the showstopper. So give it all the attention you can. With the help of Pinterest and your better half, you can decorate the room with modern aesthetic furniture as well as give it a homely vibe. The final product of the room will help you relax after daily excursions and will help you sleep like a baby!


Wall Decor


If furniture makes your home inviting, then wall decor breathes life into the house. It gives you the feeling of coming home. The feeling is accentuated by the soothing colors adorning the walls. Light colors, which are not hard on the eyes, help in creating a soothing ambiance. Apart from colors, the living room can be adorned with wall art, which comprises textured art. It accentuates the classiness and can take the beauty of your living room to another level. Last but definitely not least, adorning pictures of the family's fun times together strengthens familial bonds and brightens the camaraderie at the dinner table.


Smart Home


Don't you want that refreshing feeling of air conditioning already wafting through your home's way prior to your having arrived from the office? Or do you want your juice right after you get back from the office? One more thing: do you want your house to be cleaned while you are working in the office? Also, you would like all the electrical appliances, light bulbs, and fans to cease functioning when you have stepped out of the house. If all the answers to the above questions are a resounding "YES," then you should make your home compatible with smart switches, vacuum cleaners, and air conditioners that can be operated through an app. Now, the traffic from work to home will not make you exhausted as it will be replaced with a feeling of freshness.




You have made a delectable butter chicken and it is a hit with your friends. But a lot of people are having gastritis issues because of overeating. In no time, the living room will be filled with an obnoxious smell. The solution to this problem is to keep home purifiers handy. Just spritz a little and every corner of your house will be sprinkled with a fresh dewy smell. Now, no one at the party has to be mindful of eating. This perfume also comes in handy when you want to have a good sleep. So, you know, you know what to do when you would like to relax?


Cozy Balcony 


What do you think of the idea of having hot pakodas and adrak chai, when it is raining? Or the idea of a romantic novel, probably Mills and Boons, with a cup of hot chocolate on one of the starry nights? Don't you think the beauty of these two experiences can be accentuated when they are experienced on a balcony? Also, the balcony is lit up with fairy lights and is carpeted with green grass. In the nook of the balcony, a swing is also hooked up, where everyday chai can be enjoyed. Doesn’t the imagination feel mesmerizing? And now imagine it happening for real. Well, now it will be a place of heaven for each family member.


Well-built appliances 


You are late to the office, but there are tonnes of work to do. For starters, there are tonnes of clothes that need to be cleaned, then there are dishes, and don't get me started with the amount of dust on the floor. Well, there is only one solution to this situation. Buy smart appliances. Don't delay it till the end. Try to buy it as soon as possible. The clothes will be washed, the dust can be cleaned with the help of a vacuum cleaner, and dishes can be done in the dishwasher. All you have to do is load it up with dishes and give instructions. Now, go to the office without worrying about the messy flat you'll return to after completion of work.


 A flashlight and tool kit 


A flashlight is a necessary tool to buy when moving into a new house. But why do I need it? The house has electric facilities. Yes, but are you sure that there won't be a case of load shedding? No, right. In that case, this is one tool that you should bank upon. Along with that, it is always advisable to keep a fresh pack of batteries in storage, as you can never predict desperate times. Another must-have is a toolkit. With new surroundings, there is a good chance that you will not know a mechanic if your car stops in the middle of the road or one of your appliances fails to work. In both cases, a toolkit is of major help.


Lockbox or Safe


Suddenly, you are entitled to a lot of cash. On top of that, you have your own valuables. Adding to the woes, the renovators have started their work on your house. Where will you keep all the money for safeguarding? Surely not on display. A safebox will keep your valuables safe and also locked with a passcode or key. It will be difficult to maneuver valuables out of the safe.


 Cleaning Supplies


The house was clean enough when it was handed to you, but now with the house renovation at completion, you can sense that the house has turned into a war zone and is covered with dirt and dust. Therefore, to avoid this, a pack of cleaning supplies should be bought before shifting to the new house. With regular renovations, you can clean your house at your own pace, and the house will look less like a tornado after renovations. Now comes the important question: what will the supplies entail? Well, it all depends on what cleaning surfactant you use, but a mix of gloves will be a good hack that can save your hands. Also, you can store all the supplies in the classy cabinets loaded beneath the sink.


Garbage cans 


Garbage is that muck with which no one wants to MESS. When relocating to a new home, the necessary steps must be taken. So, buy a nice garbage bin with eco-friendly garbage bags beforehand. It will help in cleaning your living space. Also, with bags, your garbage bin will look and be less dirty. As well, with garbage bags, it will be easier to dump garbage bags.


A home is not just a place laden with bricks and mortar. It is an emotion of serendipity. It takes years to build a home, so choose your products wisely, as a little soothing color in drapes will infuse life into non-living. With the right guidance and inspiration from platforms like Pinterest, you can decorate a home where bliss is a normal emotion. Home is where every family member yearns to come and share the bliss with other family members. We, at BricknBolt, are dedicated to creating such wonderful memories and emotions.


There is a famous quote on this:


Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong and laughter is created never ends. 




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