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General power of attorney (GPA) and specific power of attorney (SPA) are two common forms of power of attorney (POA). It is necessary to understand the differences between them before granting such authority. This blog will help you explore the key differences, advantages, and disadvantages and also provide general guidance on choosing between general or specific powers of attorney.

Key Differences Between General and Special Power of Attorney

Scope of Authority

General power of attorney grants broad authorization to the agent. This allows the agent to handle a wide range of matters. that includes financial transactions, property management, legal decisions, and many more. 

Specific power of attorney grants only limited and specific powers to the agent. The agent can only do specific tasks and specific decisions in matters mentioned in the documents.

Duration of Authority

Normally GPA will be effective until it is revoked by the principal. It may also be revoked if the principal passes away or is decapitated. It can also be made durable. That is it may remain effective even if the principal is decapitated.

SPA will remain effective only until the specific transaction or task is completed. They can be made durable but they will be valid only until the period-specific task. 


GPA is more flexible as it covers a wide range of activities. This is suitable for the management of ongoing affairs, specifically if the principal is unavailable or unable to manage their affairs for an extended time. 

Due to its limited scope, SPA is more restrictive and less flexible. It is ideal for one-time or short-term needs, mainly if the principal needs assistance in specific matters.

Advantages of General Power of Attorney (GPA)

general power of attorney

There are various advantages of GPA. Some are-

Comprehensive Authority: provides broad powers to agents. Agents can handle all necessary tasks without the need for multiple documents.

Convenience: as the centralizing authority is in one document. It is hassle-free

Flexibility and Durability: agents can manage even if the principal is unavailable or incapacitated. They can manage matters without any interruptions.

Streamlined Decision-Making: The agent can act without a need to verify specific powers granted for each action. This is particularly useful in situations that need immediate response like financial or legal matters.

Disadvantages of General Power of Attorney (GPA)

Risk of Abuse: authority can be misused or abused by agents. As their decisions may cause financial or legal issues.

Loss of Control: as the principal relinquishes significant control of their affairs. This may be unsettling. It may be difficult for principals to monitor and ensure that agents work according to their best interests.

Complexity in Revocation: revocation of GPA is a complicated, cumbersome, and time-consuming process. 

Potential for Overreach: Because of the agent’s extensive power, the agent may overstep and make decisions that are beyond what the principal has scoped.

Difficulty in Oversight: It may be difficult to oversee agents’ decisions, which  may lead to mismanagement or neglect of principal affairs.

Advantages of Specific Power of Attorney (SPA)

specific power of attorney

Specificity: SPA provides a specific authority to the agent. This makes sure that the agent’s power is limited and the risk of misuse is also low.

Greater Control: the principal has more control over overall affairs. This is beneficial for principals who only need assistance in specific tasks.

Reduced Risk: the limited scope for agents reduces the potential for abuse of overreach by agents.

Targeted Assistance: SPA is only used if the principal needs any assistance for a specific activity. This makes the principal choose the most qualified agent for each specific task. 

Easier Revocation: SPA can be revoked easily once the specific task is completed. The process is simple. The principal only needs to inform the agent and any relevant third party.

Disadvantages of Special Power of Attorney (SPA)

Limited Scope: As SPA offers authority only for specific tasks, it becomes restrictive if there are any unforeseen situations.

Multiple Documents: If various tasks are needed, the principal needs to create multiple SPAs . Managing and tracking multiple documents may be cumbersome.

Potential for Delays: limited authority may cause delays if any agent encounters outside their designated power. It might slow the urgent decision-making processes. 

Inflexibility: flexibility is needed for dynamic situations. However, restrictions on agents in SPA can become a hurdle in urgent situations.

Repetitive Processes: principals, who require regular assistance need to make and notarize various SPAs. This can be a burden and may affect the efficiency in the long term. 

How to Choose Between General and Special Power of Attorney

Choosing between GPA and SPA mainly depends on the specific needs and situations. As GPA provides a wide range of authority, it is suitable for managing various tasks. GPA is ideal for making long-term management of the principal’s affairs. In contrast, SPA offers limited, task-oriented pavers. That also ensures precision control and helps in minimizing the risk of abuse. 

For choosing between SPA and GPA, one must evaluate their trust in the agent, task complexities, and need for flexibility. It would be good if you could consult with a legal expert to understand the implications. This might ensure that your choice aligns with your financial and personal goals.

Can both special and general powers of attorney be made durable?

Yes, both SPA and GPA can be made durable. The POA durable means that even if the principal is decapitated the agreement remains valid. This is mainly for the continuous management of the principal’s affairs without any disturbances. 

To make POA durable, specific language must be included in the document stating that the agent’s authority remains effective despite the principal’s incapacity. This can provide additional security mainly for long-term planning.


Choosing the correct type of POA is a significant decision that needs careful consideration of the principal’s needs. Also, the scope of authority and trustworthiness of agents are essential. It will be good if a legal advisor is consulted to clarify the considerations and make sure that the chosen POA aligns with both current needs and future contingencies.


1. When to use a special power of attorney?

SPA can be used if the principal needs specific assistance with specific tasks.

2. What is the most powerful power of attorney?

GPA is the most powerful power of attorney.

3. What is the validity of special power of attorney in India?

The validity of SPA in India mainly depends on the terms specified in the document.