Construction industry

What to Look For While looking for a Construction Contractor in Bangalore

May 31 2021

Anwesha Nandy

Building your dream home comes with a huge set of responsibilities and expectations. You want everything perfect and for that, you want someone who you can trust. Someone who is a certified professional in the construction business. The market is flooded with building construction contractors in Bangalore who wants a piece of the appealing real estate market.



Hiring a professional and reputed contractor might take off your worries, but with so many options out there, it is quite difficult to choose a contractor who you can depend upon. They will help you explore new ideas for the construction of your dream home. To help you with this decision here is a list of things you should consider before hiring  residential building contractors in Bangalore:


Track record

The first factor to consider is the track record of every shortlisted house construction company in Bangalore. A track record will help understand the history and work of the contractor you have shortlisted. It will give you an idea about the quality of his/her work, the amount of time he/she takes, and how efficient his/her outcomes are.


Background check

It always helps to run a background check of your contractor before hiring him/her. Talk to his former customers and ask for a review of their work. Contact the local authorities to see if they have any complaints filed against the contractor or if the contractor has been involved with any legal issues. Brick&Bolt provides complete transparency about their ongoing and past projects and clients. Checking a contractor’s credit references would give you an idea if they have any bad credit which would indicate construction delays.


Certification check

While sorting out your shortlisted contractors, remember to cross-check all their certificates and licenses. Contractors who're associated with a reputed contractor company or have ISO certification offer better quality and results than others.



You need to be able to trust that your chosen contractor will use the best quality of materials used in construction and offer top-quality workmanship. Choose one of the best civil contractors in Bangalore so that you are delivered top-quality outcomes. Poor quality can lead to risky scenarios in construction. Contact your contractor’s previous clients to know if they had any issues regarding the construction materials and quality.



Your contractor needs to be cooperative and open to ideas. They should provide their professional suggestions as well. An experienced contractor will be a great asset since they have valuable ideas due to their years of experience in the construction industry. Therefore, the cooperativeness of a contractor needs to be a counting factor.


Team player

The contractor’s efficiency does not only depend on his/her cooperation with their clients but also their attentiveness to their team performance. He/she needs to be in sync with their team. A project can only be completed on time if everyone concerned with it does their job on time. Choose a contractor who has reliable contacts in the market and can provide a well-oiled work mechanism during work.


Conflict management skills

Unexpected obstacles and troubles are faced even by the best of the most efficient house construction companies in Bangalore. What matters is how they handle these unforeseen issues. Almost always you will find that the contractors are having some issues with the authorities or labor union. This can lead to alteration or changes to your already approved plan. A skilled and capable contractor should be able to handle all such troubles and conflicts. Talk to former clients of your contractor to know how they handle such issues.



Insurance is another important factor you need to check out when shortlisting a contractor. Check if he has appropriate insurance. Always ensure the contractor you have selected has insurance that offers complete coverage against liability and damage due to site accidents or any other unforeseen events.


Payout policies

Be thorough while discussing the terms and conditions of payment with your contractor before hiring. Usually, an initial deposit given to building construction contractors in Bangalore asks for around 25 to 50 percent of the total payment while the rest is due until the completion of the construction. If your contractor asks for something that is proportionally different from the majority, it could be a cause for concern.



Once you have made your decision regarding a contractor, the last step before the commencement of the construction is to get a contract drawn.  Ensure your contract is well-drafted. It must consist of every term and condition safeguarding the interests of both parties. Remember to give your contract a thorough read before signing it. It would be a smart move to get legal aid. They will talk you through anything you find ambiguous and help you understand any vague or suspicious terms in the contract.


Signs of an unreliable contractor

There is nothing worse than an unreliable contractor. You will find many residential building contractors in Bangalore but how do you recognize the difference between a good contractor and a bad contractor? The wrong or hurried selection of the contractor you want to partner with might change this experience for you into a dreadful one. Here the signs that will point out a bad contractor and help you recognize the best civil contractors in Bangalore:


Low-cost contractors

Everyone knows that an agent’s commission can be easily negotiated. Although when starting the quote, on average the commission primarily requested, always lies in the same spectrum. So, if you come across a price that is questionably higher or lower than the market average, you should be alarmed. There are few house construction companies in Bangalore that might try to lure you in the name of false promises and fake penalties. Many are fooled by such commission prices because what they don’t get on the requested quote, they reimburse from things like margins cut out from material pricing. Brick&Bolt Building Material Calculator will provide you with an estimated total of material used for your construction.


Lack of proper method and techniques

The market consists of many uneducated contractors who have hardly studied and are not qualified for the job. One of the most noticeable things about a bad contractor is their lack of methodological approach and technical knowledge. Good residential building contractors in Bangalore will always support your requirements and expectations with facts. They will be able to give you proper insights on everything you want and how it can be delivered. They will give you reasons and technical facts for why the things you want can’t happen. Be careful of any uneducated and unqualified contractors for they still misguide people who ask them for help.


No fixed or fair pricing

The matter of money is often negotiable due to the particular nature of the construction industry.  The fluctuating prices of facilities, and the general economic situation during the construction of a project plays a key role in pricing. The progress and prices of various systems, especially in residential projects, are heavily influenced by the general state of the local market and the state of the national economy. The window to negotiate allows contractors to change their minds and ask for different rates at different stages. You calculate the average cost of construction with the Brick&Bolt cost estimator. Signing a fixed-price deal is the only way to avoid falling into a trap like that. You can also compare different packages on the Brick&Bolt website. It's a warning sign if you requested a fixed price package from the contractor, but didn't hear back from them. 


Primitive techniques and solutions

With global technological advancement, the world is more dependent on the latest technology than ever before. The days of relying solely on blueprints and handheld tools are long gone. Modern technology has created an entirely new field of structural possibilities. However, not many contractors consider smart home automation in new home construction.


The incapability of end to end ownership

One of the few and most important services provided by a reputable contractor is end-to-end ownership. Essentially, a contractor that has end-to-end ownership will be able to assist you during the entire process, from design approval to actual construction, and will be there with you every step of the way. To be sure, always ask if the contractor you're talking to provides E-to-E ownership, and if he/she doesn't, cross them off your list.


Insecure labor

Workmanship and labor security, whether employed on a contract or as a regular employee, reveal a lot about how a contractor operates. There's always the possibility that the owners will be held liable if anything goes wrong with the workers on the job. Finding a contractor who cares enough about his workers to send them on-site with every safety precaution in mind is the only way to avoid this. These items are usually buried in fine print, so getting someone on the legal side to proofread the contracts is the best way to protect yourself.


Project delays

Regardless of the meticulous promises and commitments of on-time delivery, some projects are never delivered on time. There have been instances where the contractor calls four days before the scheduled completion date to inform them of the project's unexpected extension. Many house construction contractors in Bangalore make false promises to customers and flatly decline to answer phone calls from customers inquiring about delays or impending problems.


Unskilled laborers or professionals

The primitive and cunning nature of building construction contractors in Bangalore is revealed when the contractors fail to employ honest engineers and skilled laborers and workers. Be mindful to fire such individuals. The labor and associated practitioners' skills and techniques are an extension of the contractor's dependability.

Many contractors engage in petty practices such as tampering with the steel quantity to reduce cost and increase profit margins.


Last-minute withdrawal from projects

Your project can be jeopardized if you hire an uncertified contractor. An uncertified contractor is untrustworthy and essentially free to operate as he pleases, allowing him to easily back out of contracts in the middle of projects. There have been cases where the contractors abandon a project if they do not believe it is profitable, in fact in some worse cases the contractors have run away with the money.


Unclear payment record

Missing payment records, nagging about payments, and inconsistent updates are all red flags. Avoid selecting a contractor who always comes up with some excuse and pending payment receipts. Some contractors try to mislead and confuse their clients by failing to have sufficient payment receipts. Many local contractors opt to work in cash to avoid paying taxes and providing receipts


Unorganized milestone updates

When working on a project, a contractor is required to keep the client informed of the progress regularly. Contractors also establish a Milestone update plan, in which they notify you after each step/milestone is completed. This will give you a good understanding of how well the contractor manages projects. Several contractors refuse to provide weekly updates, let alone a daily check-in.


Uncertified professionals

Last but not least, keep in mind that competent professionals will always be respected for their job credibility, with certifications in safety standards being one of the most basic of them. Choosing certified support is always appropriate and advisable, regardless of what you've been told. A licensed house construction contractor in Bangalore would be able to assist you with issues that an unlicensed professional may have difficulty with.


Your dream home is not merely a construction process. It is your family’s hope and expectation. You need to be careful with matters that might be troublesome in the end. When it comes to hiring a contractor for your dream home, you can never be too cautious. You need to be meticulous with every detail. Contractors and developers serve as surrogate owners of your enterprise.

Choosing someone who isn't very good at what they do will result in a poor outcome and crush your dream. The aforementioned pointers will go a long way in guiding you away from bad contractors and towards the most dependable ones on the market, such as Brick&Bolt. You can also narrow down your quest based on your location. This will assist you in compiling a comprehensive list of residential building contractors in Bangalore with whom you can communicate. You may also obtain a list of properties for sale or rent that have been built by these construction companies.

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